Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Twitter Reflection

Before the twitter assignment, I had heard of twitter but I did not have any idea what twitter actually was. The assignment helped me understand twitter and become more familiar with the ways it can be used. As far as twitter itself, there are things I like and things I do not like about it. I like the fact that twitter is an easy and interpersonal way to stay updated with what certain people, groups or organizations are doing. I think it can be useful and enjoyable if the people or groups being followed on twitter are of interest. One thing I did not like about twitter is that there is a large amount of useless information. No disrespect to my classmates and I am sure they feel the same way about my twitter posts, but I do not find it necessary or interesting to know every little thing that everyone is thinking or doing throughout the entire day. This may be my fault in not being familiar enough with twitter to properly sort through the posts and categories that interest me. I found the posts from the media, marketing and business groups to be more informative and interesting than the posts from individuals. I think that there is both personal and professional value in twitter. I feel there is personal value because it is yet another communication tool that helps people stay connected and updated with their friends, family or anyone else they are interested in. There is professional value because it is another way to easily deliver up to the minute information about your business or organization to a large amount of people. I think that I will continue to use twitter. I think that the more I use twitter and the more familiar I become with it, the more enjoyment and value I will receive from it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

A little bit about myself and my weekend

My name is Ty Schaub and I am a graduating senior this quarter. Comm 634 will be my final class as an OSU student, as long as I am lucky enough to pass. I am a Communication major and a captain of the OSU men's tennis team. After June 5th, I have no real idea what I am going to do with my life, but for some odd reason I kind of like that. This past weekend was somewhat eventful for me. On friday our team won our fourth straight Big Ten regular season championship by beating Northwestern. On friday night a few of us celebrated a little bit but could not get too crazy because we still had a double header against Wisconsin and Wright State on Sunday. Saturday I had practice in the morning, then did absolutely nothing but enjoy the nice weather the rest of the day. I would have liked to go to bed early Saturday night, but sleeping was impossible due to the amount of noise from parties and what seemed like multiple riots going on around my house on 12th Avenue. Around Midnight a few of my roomates and I spotted a guy trying to break into an apartment next door. We called the cops but they were unsuccessful getting there before he took off. Luckily for our neighbors, the guy was also unsuccessful in getting into the apartment. The unsuccessful thief was driving an old van which was painted half black and half white, so if anyone sees something like this parked outside your place, you might want to make sure your doors are locked. Despite the lack of sleep, our matches went pretty smoothly as we were able to beat both Wisconsin and Wright State. Sunday's matches were the final regular season home matches for myself and the other two seniors on our team, so it was nice to go out with a win. Sunday night there were no attempted break-ins and no near riots. Although the weather was not as nice as Saturday, the night was pretty enjoyable.